

Local Binary Pattern for Local Texture Feature Extraction

By Matthew Millar R&D Scientist at ユニファ

This blog will look at how to build a Local Binary Pattern feature extractor for computer vision tasks.

Local Binary Pattern:

What is LBP
LBP is one of many feature extractors. HOG, SIFT, SURF, FAST, DoG, etc... are all similar but do slightly different things. What makes LBP different is, its main goal is to be used for a texture descriptor on a local level. This gives a local representation of any texture of an image. This is done by comparing a pixel with the surrounding pixels. For each pixel in an image, the surrounding x number of pixels will be looked at. X can be determined and adjusted as needed. The LBP value for every pixel is calculated to its neighbors. If the center pixel is greater than or equal it's neighbor's values, then it will be set to 1, else it will be set to 0.

LBP pixel calculation

From the above talbe, you can see how each cell gets calculated. From this point this 2D array will be flattened to a 1D array like this:

1D Array

This will give
 2^6 + 2^2 + 2^1 + 2^0
 64 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 71
So 71 will be in the output image. This process will be done for every single pixel in the image.

This talbe shows how each cell is calculated:

Table Calculation

The basic idea behind this is to calculate each value of the 1D array at each index.
The value is determined by the position of the index in the array. If the value at the index is a 1, then value calculated to be  2^i where i is the index position. If the value at the index is 0, then the value is set to a 0 regardless of the index position. Then you sum the results of the whole 1D array to get the center pixel value.
To get the feature vectors from this, you have to calculate a histogram first.
This will be a histogram of 256 bins as the values of the LBP can range from 0 to 255.

Python Implementation:

OpenCV does have an LBP available, but it is meant for facial recognition and would not be appropriate for getting textures off clothing or environments. The use of the sklearn’s model can be very useful then for this project.
Let see how to implement it.

from skimage import feature
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os

class LBP:
    # Constructor
    # Needs the radius and number of points for the outer radius
    def __init__(self, numPoints, radius):
        self.numPoints = numPoints
        self.radius = radius
    # Compute the actual lbp
    def calculate_histogram(self, image, eps=1e-7):
        # Create a 2D array size of the input image
        lbp = feature.local_binary_pattern(image, self.numPoints,
        # Make feature vector
        #Counts the number of time lbp prototypes appear
        (hist, _) = np.histogram(lbp.ravel(),
                                bins= np.arange(0, self.numPoints + 3),
                                range=(0, self.numPoints +2))
        hist = hist.astype("float")
        hist /= (hist.sum() + eps)
        return hist

# Create the lbp 
loc_bi_pattern = LBP(12,12)
x_train = []
y_train = []

image_path = "LBPImages/"
train_path = os.path.join(image_path, "train/")
test_path = os.path.join(image_path, "test/")

for folder in os.listdir(train_path):
    folder_path = os.path.join(train_path, folder)
    for file in os.listdir(folder_path):
        image_file = os.path.join(folder_path, file)
        image = cv2.imread(image_file)
        image = cv2.resize(image,(300,300))
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        hist = loc_bi_pattern.calculate_histogram(gray)
        # Add the data to the data list
        # Add the label

After then you can choose whichever model you want to train on. SVM I think would be best, but logistic regression or Naive Bayes could work also. It would be fun to play around with a few options to see which works best.
I trained and tested my code on images of metal and wood textures.
The results are pretty good for something so simple:

Metal Siding



Odd Floors

Pretty straight forward seeing we are using sklearn's implementation. All we really need to do is create the histograms to get out the feature vectors for each image. This can allow for you to then classify other images that have similar textures on them.
As you can see it works pretty well. The first “wood” image is actually metal siding, but I wanted to see how well it does one something that is very difficult to determine. This misclassification could be due to the overall image looking similar to that of wood flooring texture and not of metal textures. Even a human might have the same issue with this using a black and white photo.


The ability to extract small scale or fine grain details makes LBP a very handy tool for computer vision tasks. But, one issue is that LBP cannot capture at different scales which causes it to miss out on a global scale features. This can be overcome by using different implementations of LBP which can handle different neighborhood sizes which allows for better control over the scale. Depending on your need the use of a fixed scale or changing one might change.

All royalty free texture photos were retrieved from here



今年のGoogle I/Oのネタじゃないのかよというご意見もありそうですが、今回はちょっと大目に見ていただきたいと思います!


AndroidX の概要  |  Android Developers

今やAndroidアプリ開発において必要不可欠な存在のSupport Libraryですが、その成長によって複雑で分かりづらくなってしまったのを整理しパワーアップさせたのがAndroidXのようです。




Auto migration

まずはこちらを参考にauto migrationを実行しました。

Migrating to AndroidX  |  Android Developers

Android Studioのメニューバーから [Refactor] > [Migrate to AndroidX] を実行するとgradle.propertiesに次の2つのフラグが追加され、Android Studio のビルドシステムにより依存関係も自動的に移行されます。



  • DataBindingについて次のエラーが発生
ERROR: Data Binding annotation processor version needs to match the Android Gradle Plugin version.
You can remove the kapt dependency androidx.databinding:databinding-compiler:1.0.0 and Android Gradle
Plugin will inject the right version.


    kapt 'androidx.databinding:databinding-compiler:1.0.0'

  Android Studio Canary8から不要になっていたそうです。
  DataBindingのkaptを書かなくても良くなった - Kenji Abe - Medium

  • 次のようにexcludeなどでサポートライブラリを指定している箇所は自動で移行されないため必要に応じて削除、修正が必要です。
    implementation("com.squareup.picasso:picasso:$picassoVersion") {
        exclude group: "com.android.support", module: "exifinterface"
  • 自動で移行されたライブラリはバージョン1.0.0と指定されているのでその時の最新バージョンに更新します。
  • importは正しく修正されていますが、コード内でも完全修飾で参照してしまっているので修正します。
  • RecyclerView.ItemDecoration.onDraw(Canvas, RecyclerView, RecyclerView.State)など引数がNonNullに変更されたoverrideメソッドでエラーになるので修正が必要です。




Robolectricを利用しているテストが初期化で失敗していました。 Robolectricのバージョンが3.xと古かったため最新にして再びテスト実行します。

結果 f:id:unifa_tech:20190705132902p:plain

今度は OutOfMemoryError となったので build.gradleに次の設定を追加します。

android {
    testOptions {
        unitTests.all {
           maxHeapSize = "1g"





失敗です! f:id:unifa_tech:20190705141658p:plain

どうやらCircleCI 上のコンテナで使用できるメモリが不足しているようだったので、CircleCIのプランを見直しresource_classオプションを利用することにしました。

Configuring CircleCI - CircleCI

今度こそ成功です! f:id:unifa_tech:20190705142458p:plain

Hadoop from Start to Finish on Windows10

By Matthew Millar R&D Scientist at ユニファ

This blog will be looking at how to set up and start a Hadoop server on windows as well as give some explanation as to what it is used for.

What is Hadoop:

Hadoop is a set of tools that can be used for easy processing and analyzing Big Data for a company and research. Hadoop gives you tools to manage, query, and share large amounts of data with people who are dispersed over a large geographical location. This means that teams in Tokyo can easily work with teams in New York, well not accounting for sleeping preferences. Hadoop gives a huge advantage over a traditional storage system, not only in the total amount of storage possible, but in flexibility, scalability, and speed of access to this data.


Hadoop is split up into 4 distinctive modules. Each module performs a certain task that is needed for the distributed system to function properly. A distributed system is a computer system that has its components separated over a network of different computers. This can be both data and processing power. The actions of the computers are coordinated by messages that are passed back and forth between each other. These systems are complex to set up and maintain but offer a very powerful network to process large amounts of data or run very expensive jobs quickly and efficiently.

The first module is the Distributed Filesystem. The HDFS allows files to be stored, processed, shared and managed across a set of connected storage devices. HDFS is not like a regular operating file system and normally can be accessed by any supported OS which gives a great deal of freedom.

The second module is MapReduce. There are two main functions that this module performs. Mapping is the act of reading in the data (or gathering it form each node). Mapping then puts all this data into a format that can be used for analysis. Reduce can be considered the place where all the logic is performed on the collected data. In other words, Mapping gets the data, Reducing analyzes it.

Hadoop common is the third module. This module consists of a set of Java tools that each OS needs to access and read the data that is stored in the HDFS.

The final module is YARN which is the system management that manages the storing of the data and running of task/analysis of the data.

Little More Detail:

What is a namenode? A namenode stores all the metadata of all the files in the HDFS. This includes permissions, names, and block locations. These blocks can be mapped to each datanode. The namenode is also responsible for managing the datanode, i.e. where it is saved, which blocks are on which node, etc…
A datanode, aka a slave node, is the node that actually stores and retrieves blocks of information requested by the namenode.


Now with the background out of the way lets try to install the system on Windows 10.
Step 1: Download Hadoop Binaries from here
Apache Download Mirrors

Step 2: Make its own folder in the C drive to keep things tidy and make sure that it is easy to find.

Folder Setup

Step 3: Unpack the tar.gz file (I suggest 7 zip as it works on windows and is free)

Step 4: To run it on Windows, you need a windows compatible binary from this repo
https://github.com/ParixitOdedara/Hadoop. You can just download the bin folder and copy all the files from the downloaded bin to Hadoop's bin (replace any files if needed). Simple right.

Step 5: Create a folder called data and, in this folder, create two others called datanode and namenode. The datanode will hold all the data that is assigned to it. The namenode is the master node which holds the metadata for the datanode (i.e. which data node the 64mb blocks is located on)

Datanode Namenode

Step 6: Set up Hadoop Environment variables like so:

JAVA_HOME=<Root of your JDK installation>”

Environment Vars

And add it to your path variables like this

Path Vars

Step 7: Editing several configuration files.
First up is the:


Next, let's look at:


Then the ect\hadoop\hdfs-site.xml


And now the:


Running Hadoop

On the first time you start up you need to run I a cmd write:
Hadoop namenode -format
This set up your namenode and gets Hadoop running.
Now cd into your sbin folder and type



This will open up 4 other screens like this

Hadoop First run

Their names are; namenode, datanode, nodemanager, and resourcemanager.
And now we can look at Hadoop in a browser
The resource manager is
This is what you should be greeted with

Hadoop Homepage

Here are the links for the; node manager, datanode, and a manager for Hadoop.

Working with Hadoop

Now we can finally start to work or using Hadoop after all this set and configuration.
Open a cmd
To insert data into the HDFS use the following

fs -mkdir /user/input 
fs -put /home/file.txt /user/input 
fs -ls /user/input 

To retrieve the Data from HDFS use the following

fs -cat /user/output/outfile 
fs -get /user/output/ /home/hadoop_tp/ 

And finally shut down the system.


And that’s it, we managed to install and use Hadoop. Now this is a very simple way of doing it and there may be better approaches like using Dockers, or commercial versions which are much easier to use and setup, but learning how to set it up and run it from scratch is a good experience.


We learned that it was very complex to set up and configure all of Hadoop. But with all the power it can bring to Big Data analysis as well as large data sets that are used for AI training and testing, Hadoop can be a very powerful tool in any researcher, data scientist, and business intelligence analyst.
A potential use of Hadoop form image analysis where you have images that are stored in different sources or if you want to use a standard set of images, but the number of images is too large to store locally in a traditional storage solution. Using Hadoop, one can establish a feeding reducer that can then be used in a data generator method in a Keras model. The potentially one can have an endless stream of data from an extremely large dataset, thus giving almost unlimited data. This approach can also be used to get numerical data that is stored on a Hadoop system. Now you do not have to download the data directly just use Hadoop to query and do preprocessing of the data before you feed it into your model. This can save time and energy when working with distributed systems.

SIFT for Feature Extraction in a Image in Python

Feature Extraction SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform)

Why am I making this post?
Well, I basically needed to make my own SIFT algorithm as there is no free one in OpenCV anymore, well at least 3.0+.
For computer vision, one of the most basic ideas is to extract information from an image. This is feature extraction. There are different levels of features mainly global and local features. This blog will look at SIFT which is a local feature extractor. This is done by finding key points or areas of great change then adds quantitative information or descriptors that can then be used in a more complex task like object detection. Ideally, these key points should be able to be uniquely identified in various images regardless of transformations or changes in the image.

Why Python?
Yes, it's not the best in speed for this, and after running the code it takes a hot minute for it to do the feature extraction. But, I can easily use it in any computer vision project that I have now and it plugs and play no problem.

How does SIFT work?

First, you give SIFT a picture to work with, we will be using an image I took of a dog from when I went dog sledding in Finland.
Step1: Double the size of your image both using bilinear interpolation.
Step 2: Blur the image using Gaussian Convolution.
Step 3: Preform more convolutions using Standard Deviation.
Step 4: Downsample each image.
Step 5: Restart the convolution again.
Continue this until the image is too small to perform these steps anymore.
This is called a scale-space which will help simulate many different scales that an image can come in (i.e. from small to larger and everything in between).

After the convolution, we will have to get the Laplacian for each scale space. This gives a grey scale value for each element in the image. The max values for the Laplacian will then be our key points. The max pixel will be a pixel whose value is larger than all its surrounding other pixels. This can be extended to several pixels or even a larger area depending on your needs. We can refine the key point results in the scale space by using a Quadratic Taylor expansion. Along with this, the identification of key points that lie on the edge of an object should also be removed as they are poor key points as they are not unique to translations of an image and are parallel to the edge direction. The point of keypoint extractions is not to find an edge of an object, but rather to find unique features of the image which may or may not lie on the edge of a target. That is the difference between edge detection and key point detection.

Finally, SIFT will give a reference orientation to each key point. Then the gradient of the image will be calculated by finite differences. Then smooth the gradients of the image using box blurs. This will allow for the remaining points that exceed a certain value/threshold to be kept. Another key point will be discarded.

After all of that, we have a list of final key points that we can create the descriptors for. This is done by creating a histogram of the gradient directions for each key point. This will not just make one histogram as it will make several around in a circle of the pixel where the histogram corresponds to the center pixel. Each gradient is a circle shape (rather than a box as used previously), and any key point that cannot create a full circle will be discarded.

So, after all of this, we now are left with a set of key points that are local features that can help us identify unique objects in images. This can then be used on its own for simple computer vision tasks like object identification, image slicing, and binding, or even image similarity for search engines. So, SIFT can be very useful if you know how and why it works.

Code for SIFT

Here is the pseudo code for getting SIFT for key point detection.

Sift Code
	Gaussian Smoothing (image)
	Downsample the image
	Make Gaussians Pyramids
	Create Downsample Gaussians Pyramids
	For each octave:
		Start Extrema detection.
	for each image sample at each scale:
		find the gradient magnitude
		find the orientation

	Calculate each keypoints orientation
	Calculate each keypoints descriptor   

As you can see the key points found in this image is not perfect, but the implementation of SIFT is not very easy. Also, this image has a lot of noise in it so it may look like the algorithm did not work, but it is working fine, but the changes are on such a small level that it is difficult to even see it.

DogSled Keypoints

And for those who want to see here is the whole (all be it abridged) code

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy import misc
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from numpy.linalg import norm
import numpy.linalg

def sift_generate_keypoints(imagename, threshold):
    original = ndimage.imread(imagename, flatten=True)
    s = 3
    k = 2 ** (1.0 / s)
    # Standard deviations for Gaussian smoothing
    vector_1 = np.array([1.3, 1.6, 1.6 * k, 1.6 * (k ** 2), 1.6 * (k ** 3), 1.6 * (k ** 4)])
    vector_2 = np.array([1.6 * (k ** 2), 1.6 * (k ** 3), 1.6 * (k ** 4), 1.6 * (k ** 5), 1.6 * (k ** 6), 1.6 * (k ** 7)])
    vector_total = np.array([1.6, 1.6 * k, 1.6 * (k ** 2), 1.6 * (k ** 3), 1.6 * (k ** 4), 1.6 * (k ** 5), 1.6 * (k ** 6), 1.6 * (k ** 7), 1.6 * (k ** 8), 1.6 * (k ** 9), 1.6 * (k ** 10), 1.6 * (k ** 11)])

    # Downsampling images
    doubled = misc.imresize(original, 200, 'bilinear').astype(int)
    normal = misc.imresize(doubled, 50, 'bilinear').astype(int)
    halved = misc.imresize(normal, 50, 'bilinear').astype(int)
    quartered = misc.imresize(halved, 50, 'bilinear').astype(int)

    # Initialize Gaussian pyramids
    pyramid_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 6))
    pyramid_l_2 = np.zeros((normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1], 6))
    pyramid_l_3 = np.zeros((halved.shape[0], halved.shape[1], 6))
    pyramid_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 6))

    # Gaussian pyramids
    for i in range(0, 6):
        pyramid_l_1[:,:,i] = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(doubled, kvec1[i])   
        pyramid_l_4[:,:,i] = misc.imresize(ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(doubled, kvec4[i]), 1.0 / 8.0, 'bilinear')

        # Difference-of-Gaussians (DoG) pyramids
        dog_pyrd_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 5))
        dog_pyrd_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 5))

    # Construct DoG pyramids
    for i in range(0, 5):
        dog_pyrd_l_1[:,:,i] = pyrlvl1[:,:,i+1] - pyrlvl1[:,:,i]
        dog_pyrd_l_4[:,:,i] = pyrlvl4[:,:,i+1] - pyrlvl4[:,:,i]

        # extrema locations pyramids
        extrem_loc_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 3))
        extrem_loc_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 3))

    for i in range(1, 4):
        for j in range(80, doubled.shape[0] - 80):
            for k in range(80, doubled.shape[1] - 80):
                if np.absolute(dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i]) < threshold:

                maxbool = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] > 0)
                minbool = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] < 0)

                for di in range(-1, 2):
                    for dj in range(-1, 2):
                        for dk in range(-1, 2):
                            if di == 0 and dj == 0 and dk == 0:
                            maxbool = maxbool and (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] > dog_pyrd_l_1[j + dj, k + dk, i + di])
                            minbool = minbool and (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] < dog_pyrd_l_1[j + dj, k + dk, i + di])
                            if not maxbool and not minbool:

                        if not maxbool and not minbool:

                    if not maxbool and not minbool:
                if maxbool or minbool:
                    dx = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k+1, i] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k-1, i]) * 0.5 / 255
                    dy = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k, i] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k, i]) * 0.5 / 255
                    ds = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i-1]) * 0.5 / 255
                    dxx = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k+1, i] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k-1, i] - 2 * dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i]) * 1.0 / 255        
                    dyy = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k, i] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k, i] - 2 * dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i]) * 1.0 / 255          
                    dss = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i+1] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i-1] - 2 * dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i]) * 1.0 / 255
                    dxy = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k+1, i] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k-1, i] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k+1, i] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k-1, i]) * 0.25 / 255 
                    dxs = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k+1, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k-1, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k+1, i-1] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k-1, i-1]) * 0.25 / 255 
                    dys = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k, i-1] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k, i-1]) * 0.25 / 255  
                    dD = np.matrix([[dx], [dy], [ds]])
                    H = np.matrix([[dxx, dxy, dxs], [dxy, dyy, dys], [dxs, dys, dss]])
                    x_hat = numpy.linalg.lstsq(H, dD)[0]
                    D_x_hat = dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] + 0.5 * np.dot(dD.transpose(), x_hat)
                    r = 10.0
                    if ((((dxx + dyy) ** 2) * r) < (dxx * dyy - (dxy ** 2)) * (((r + 1) ** 2))) and (np.absolute(x_hat[0]) < 0.5) and (np.absolute(x_hat[1]) < 0.5) and (np.absolute(x_hat[2]) < 0.5) and (np.absolute(D_x_hat) > 0.03):
                        extrem_loc_l_1[j, k, i - 1] = 1

    # Repeat for each octave
    # Gradient magnitude and orientation 
    grad_mag_ori_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 3))
    grad_mag_ori_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 3))

    ori_pyramid_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 3))
    ori_pyramid_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 3))
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(1, doubled.shape[0] - 1):
            for k in range(1, doubled.shape[1] - 1):
                grad_mag_ori_l_1[j, k, i] = ( ((doubled[j+1, k] - doubled[j-1, k]) ** 2) + ((doubled[j, k+1] - doubled[j, k-1]) ** 2) ) ** 0.5   
                ori_pyramid_l_1[j, k, i] = (36 / (2 * np.pi)) * (np.pi + np.arctan2((doubled[j, k+1] - doubled[j, k-1]), (doubled[j+1, k] - doubled[j-1, k])))        
    # Repeat for each orientation pyramid 
    extr_sum = int(np.sum(extrem_loc_l_1) + np.sum(extrem_loc_l_2) + np.sum(extrem_loc_l_3) + np.sum(extrem_loc_l_4))
    keypoints = np.zeros((extr_sum, 4)) 

	#Key point calculation
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(80, doubled.shape[0] - 80):
            for k in range(80, doubled.shape[1] - 80):
                if extrem_loc_l_1[j, k, i] == 1:
                    gaussian_window = multivariate_normal(mean=[j, k], cov=((1.5 * vector_total[i]) ** 2))
                    two_sd = np.floor(2 * 1.5 * vector_total[i])
                    orient_hist = np.zeros([36,1])
                    for x in range(int(-1 * two_sd * 2), int(two_sd * 2) + 1):
                        ylim = int((((two_sd * 2) ** 2) - (np.absolute(x) ** 2)) ** 0.5)
                        for y in range(-1 * ylim, ylim + 1):
                            if j + x < 0 or j + x > doubled.shape[0] - 1 or k + y < 0 or k + y > doubled.shape[1] - 1:
                            weight = grad_mag_ori_l_1[j + x, k + y, i] * gaussian_window.pdf([j + x, k + y])
                            bin_idx = np.clip(np.floor(ori_pyramid_l_1[j + x, k + y, i]), 0, 35)
                            orient_hist[int(np.floor(bin_idx))] += weight  
                    maxval = np.amax(orient_hist)
                    maxidx = np.argmax(orient_hist)
                    keypoints[count, :] = np.array([int(j * 0.5), int(k * 0.5), vector_total[i], maxidx])
                    count += 1
                    orient_hist[maxidx] = 0
                    newmaxval = np.amax(orient_hist)
                    while newmaxval > 0.8 * maxval:
                        newmaxidx = np.argmax(orient_hist)
                        np.append(keypoints, np.array([[int(j * 0.5), int(k * 0.5), vector_total[i], newmaxidx]]), axis=0)
                        orient_hist[newmaxidx] = 0
                        newmaxval = np.amax(orient_hist)
    # Repeat for each octave
    # Create descriptors

    magnit_py = np.zeros((normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1], 12))
    orient_py = np.zeros((normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1], 12))

    for i in range(0, 3):
        magmax = np.amax(grad_mag_ori_l_1[:, :, i])
        magnit_py[:, :, i] = misc.imresize(grad_mag_ori_l_1[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(float)
        magnit_py[:, :, i] = (magmax / np.amax(magnit_py[:, :, i])) * magnit_py[:, :, i]  
        orient_py[:, :, i] = misc.imresize(ori_pyramid_l_1[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)    
        orient_py[:, :, i] = ((36.0 / np.amax(orient_py[:, :, i])) * orient_py[:, :, i]).astype(int)

    for i in range(0, 3):
        magnit_py[:, :, i+3] = (magpyrlvl2[:, :, i]).astype(float)
        orient_py[:, :, i+3] = (oripyrlvl2[:, :, i]).astype(int)             
    for i in range(0, 3):
        magnit_py[:, :, i+6] = misc.imresize(magpyrlvl3[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)   
        orient_py[:, :, i+6] = misc.imresize(oripyrlvl3[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)    

    for i in range(0, 3):
        magnit_py[:, :, i+9] = misc.imresize(grad_mag_ori_l_4[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)   
        orient_py[:, :, i+9] = misc.imresize(ori_pyramid_l_4[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)    

    descriptors = np.zeros([keypoints.shape[0], 128])

    for i in range(0, keypoints.shape[0]): 
        for x in range(-8, 8):
            for y in range(-8, 8):
                theta = 10 * keypoints[i,3] * np.pi / 180.0
                xrot = np.round((np.cos(theta) * x) - (np.sin(theta) * y))
                yrot = np.round((np.sin(theta) * x) + (np.cos(theta) * y))
                scale_idx = np.argwhere(vector_total == keypoints[i,2])[0][0]
                x0 = keypoints[i,0]
                y0 = keypoints[i,1]
                gaussian_window = multivariate_normal(mean=[x0,y0], cov=8) 
                weight = magnit_py[int(x0 + xrot), int(y0 + yrot), scale_idx] * gaussian_window.pdf([x0 + xrot, y0 + yrot])
                angle = orient_py[int(x0 + xrot), int(y0 + yrot), scale_idx] - keypoints[i,3]
                if angle < 0:
                    angle = 36 + angle

                bin_idx = np.clip(np.floor((8.0 / 36) * angle), 0, 7).astype(int)
                descriptors[i, 32 * int((x + 8)/4) + 8 * int((y + 8)/4) + bin_idx] += weight
        descriptors[i, :] = descriptors[i, :] / norm(descriptors[i, :]) 
        descriptors[i, :] = np.clip(descriptors[i, :], 0, 0.2)
        descriptors[i, :] = descriptors[i, :] / norm(descriptors[i, :])
    return [keypoints, descriptors]

Now for a more real-world example. Getting data from the Market1501 data set that holds several images of people for different tasks. By running one of the images through the key point extractor, it allows for you to find the local features that are unique to the image itself.

From the above picture you can see that a few of the key points are generated that look great, and one that is over on the street which is what you do not want. This is not the SIFT extractors fault it is looking over the whole image and not just the person. If you want a better result for a person's individual key points without the background mess, I would suggest using segmentation to create a mask and then use the results in the SIFT extractor. That way it will limit what is being looked at and will give better local features for each person.


This implementation is not the state of the art method for getting key points and is very susceptible to blurry or poor image quality, as well as background noise and noise in the image that you cannot detect yourself. This took a long while to implement and the results are not that great compared to the time it took to create this. In my opinion, I would look into other means of extracting local features like the segmentation of the image.


Otero, I. R., & Delbracio, M. (2014). Anatomy of the SIFT Method. Image Processing On Line,4, 370-396. doi:10.5201/ipol.2014.82

Market data set retrived from here:




先日、2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会が行われ、なんと弊社はプラチナスポンサーとして協賛し、ブースも出展させていただきました。当日は研究開発部のメンバーが総出で対応を行ったのですが、その際に色々な方から応援メッセージをいただけたので大変嬉しかったです。














小難しく聞こえますが要するに、観測されたある事実を使って推定したい事柄を確率的に求める手法のことです。 ベイズ統計学という分野は昔からありましたが、最近また注目を浴びてきました。



  • 事前知識を取り入れることで、少ないデータでもある程度の精度で推測可能。

  • 入力情報によって瞬時にそして自動的に推測を更新する

  • 逐次合理性が成り立つ








P(A) = 0.1, P(B) = 0.9




  • 「採用に興味がある かつ 声をかける(P(声かけ|A))」割合が80%(0.8)

  • 「採用に興味がある かつ 声をかけない(P(声なし|A))」割合が20%(0.2)


  • 「採用に興味がない かつ 声をかける(P(声かけ|B))」割合が40%(0.4)

  • 「採用に興味がない かつ 声をかけない(P(声なし|B))」割合が60%(0.6)





  1. 「採用に興味ある&声かける」P(A and 声かけ)

  2. 「採用に興味ない&声かける」P(B and 声かけ)


P(A and 声かけ) = P(A) × P(声かけ|A) = 0.1 × 0.8 = 0.08
P(B and 声かけ) = P(B) × P(声かけ|B) = 0.9 × 0.4 = 0.36





P(A|声かけ) = \frac{P(声かけ|A)P(A)}{P(声かけ|A)P(A)+P(声かけ|B)P(B)}
 \qquad= \frac{0.08}{0.08 + 0.36} = 0.18


更に一つ大事なこととして、事前確率の設定の段階で「採用に興味がある人」と仮定したのは、10%でした。 ですが、「声をかける」という実際の事象を観測した後には、その人が採用に興味がある確率は、0.1から0.18と2倍弱にまで値が更新されました(これをベイズ更新と言います)。








最近は梅雨入りしたと言っているのに全く雨が降らず、 安心しきっています。 安心したところにいきなりくるときがあるので、みなさん油断せずいきましょう!






クラウド Google Cloud Vision API
端末 Tesseract OCR iOS
Firebase MLKit(β)


Google Cloud Vision API
言わずと知れた Google さんの出しているAPIです。
様々なファイルタイプに対応しており、言語も自動で判別してくれます。 1ヶ月に1000ユニットまでは無料ですが、それを越えると1000ユニットごとにお金がかかります。


Tesseract OCR iOS, SwiftOCR, SwiftyTesseract

Tesseract OCR iOS はOCRエンジンにGoogle開発のTesseractを採用しており、情報量も多くあります。

SwiftOCR はTesseractよりパフォーマンスが良いことをアピールしています。

SwiftyTesseract は Tesseract OCR iOSと同じTesseract をOCRエンジンとして採用しています。
Tesseract OCR iOS との違いとしては、最新の安定バージョンのTesseractを使用しているので、


Firebase MLKit(β)

Firebase MLKit(β) はβ版ながらクラウド版と端末版両方が用意されています。



  • macOS 10.14.5
  • Xcode 10.2.1 (Swift 4.2)
  • CocoaPods 1.6.2




プロジェクトのPodfile を開いて以下の一行を追加します。

>pod 'SwiftyTesseract', '~> 2.0'


$ pod install

これでSwiftyTesseractの導入は完了です! 簡単ですね!


SwiftyTesseract ではTesseract用に用意されているデータを利用することができます。

  • tessdata_best (LSTM、正確性重視)
  • tessdata_fast (LSTM、速度重視)
  • tessdata (パターン認識とLSTMの組み合わせ)

SwiftyTesseractによると多くの場合tessdata_fast が最良になるとのことだったので、
今回はtessdata_fast を利用します。

  1. tessdata_fastのリポジトリにアクセスし、jpn.traineddataダウンロードします。
  2. Xcodeプロジェクトにtessdataフォルダを作成ます。
  3. 作成したフォルダに、ダウンロードしてきたファイルを追加します。



文字を読み取りたい画像ファイルを用意し、Xcodeプロジェクトへ取り込んでおきます。 今回は次の画像(sample.png)で試してみます。




ViewController.swift で以下のように書いてあげてください。

import UIKit

// SwiftyTesseract のインポート
import SwiftyTesseract

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    // swiftyTesseract インスタンスを生成
    // この際引数で、言語の指定を行う。
    let swiftyTesseract = SwiftyTesseract(language: RecognitionLanguage.japanese)
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let filename = "sample.png"
        guard let image = UIImage(named: filename) else { return }
        swiftyTesseract.performOCR(on: image, completionHandler: { recognizedString in
            guard let text = recognizedString else { return }


気になる結果です!! 100%完璧とまでは行きませんでしたが、

っss 10Sで光学的文字認識(OcR)を試してみる
ロiOS     ロロSwift
最近は梅坪入りしたと言っているのに全く雨が降らず、 安心しきっています。 安心し
今回はいかにお金をかけ\343\201ずに手軽にやるかに重点を置いてみます !
クラウド Google Cloud Vision API
端末           Tesseract OCRiOS
Firebase MLKitB)





Reinforcement Learning - Q-tables


By Matthew Millar R&D Scientist at ユニファ

Q -learning is a model-free approach to reinforcement learning. This means that Q-learning does not rely on a model to make decisions based on an input, but instead uses a policy that shows the agent what actions to perform given a certain circumstance. Q-learning should find the best policy which gives an optimal solution to any finite Markov decision process. The FMDP can be described as:


Where X is the state space, A is the action space, and r is the reward function. The optimal solution is obtained by maximizing the total reward for any action and any change in state, starting with the current state. The best or optimal solution can be found for any finite problem given an unlimited exploration time combined with an exploration adaption to a policy. This optimal Q-function can be calculated as such:


The full equation and explanation can be found in Melo’s Convergence of Q-Learning: A Simple Proof [1]:
Influences on how the agent will learn using Q-learning comes down to three real factors. Learning rate controls how much, or the rate in which new information replaces older information. If the learning rate is set to 0, then the agent will never learn anything new and will rely on previous knowledge to choose its actions. If the rate is set to 1, then the agent will only look at the most recent data and completely discard previous data.

The Discount factor is another variable that controls learning. The discount factor determines the weight of future rewards and how important or not these rewards will be. If it is set to 0, then the model will only consider instant rewards or the current reward and not look towards potential rewards of future actions. If the discount factor is set to 1, then the agent will work towards achieving the long-term highest reward.

The third and final variable used for learning the control is the initial conditions or Q0. Q-learning is an iterative program, it must have a starting condition before any changes take place to any state or environment. To help an agent explore options better, high initial values should be used regardless of which action is used. The update rules can control the values compared to other alternatives which can increase its total probability of being chosen. This will allow for each option to be fully explored and to aid in finding an optimal solution to each problem.


Q-Learning runs off a table or matrix of state and actions. This Q-table starts out all values as 0 and after each episode, these values are updated accordingly. The matrix should take the size of both the state as well as the action size with a very basic form of this is a simple array [state, action]. The simplest method for creating a Q-table in python is this:

import numpy as np
# Initial Q-table
Q_table = np.zeros((state_size, action_size))

This Q-table will store every action and state that the agent will be in. Exploitation is done when an action that has been performed before and in a certain state is chosen which results in a reward (most likely the max possible future reward). Exploration is choosing a random action at any point in time and in any state. A basic method for this could be defined as below:

import random
epli = 0.4
def choose_action (epli)::
	ran_float = random.random() # Generates a random float between [0,1]
	if ran_float < epli:
		#preform a random action
		get_action_from_qtable(current_state, q_table)

After choosing an action to perform and receiving a reward, the Q-table must be updated. The updating must be done after each action is performed. The updating phase will end at the conclusion of each episode. The basic flow of the update function will be:

Step 1: Get the current state of the agent.
Step 2: The agent takes action. (Picks random action or Pick action from Q-table)
Step 3: Update q-value.
An update rule for Q-values can be described as:

Q[state, action] = Q[state, action] + learning_rate * (reward + gamma * np.max(Q[new_state, :])) – Q[state, action] 

This is a basic approach to adjust and update q-values in a Q-table.

Now for a simple example:
First lest look at the agent in the game:

class Agent:
    def __init__(self, learning_rate = 0.1,
                discount = 0.95,
                 exploration_rate = 1.0,
                iterations = 1000):
        # Q talbe for holding rewards
        self.q_table = [[0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0]]
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.discount = discount # Future rewards value to current rewards
        self.exploration_rate = exploration_rate # Exploration rate
        # This controls sift from exploration to exploation
        self.exploration_delta = 1.0 / iterations
    # Chose between explotation or exploration
    def get_next_action(self, state):
        if random.random() > self.exploration_rate:
            return self.greedy_action(state)
            return self.random_action()
    def greedy_action(self, state):
        # Check to see if forward is best reward
        if self.q_table[FORWARD][state] > self.q_table[BACKWARD][state]:
            return FORWARD
        elif self.q_table[BACKWARD][state] > self.q_table[FORWARD][state]:
            return BACKWARD
         # Rewards are equal, take random action
        return FORWARD if random.random() < 0.5 else BACKWARD
    def random_action(self):
        return FORWARD if random.random() < 0.5 else BACKWARD
    def update(self, old_state, new_state, action, reward):
        old_value = self.q_table[action][old_state]
        # best next action 
        future_action = self.greedy_action(new_state)
        # reward for the best next action
        future_reward = self.q_table[future_action][new_state]

        # Main Q-table updating algorithm
        new_value = old_value + self.learning_rate * (reward + self.discount * future_reward - old_value)
        self.q_table[action][old_state] = new_value

        # Finally shift our exploration_rate toward zero (less gambling)
        if self.exploration_rate > 0:
            self.exploration_rate -= self.exploration_delta

Then lets built the environment that he can walk through.

# Build the Environment
class EnvironmentSimulator:
    def __init__(self, length=5, small=2, large=10):
        self.length = length # Length of the environment 
        self.small = small  # reward for going back to the start
        self.large = large  # reward for reaching the end
        self.state = 0  # environment entry point

    def take_action(self, action):
        if action == BACKWARD:  
            reward = self.small
            self.state = 0
        elif action == FORWARD: 
            if self.state < self.length - 1:
                self.state += 1
                reward = 0
                reward = self.large
        return self.state, reward
    # Reset the environment
    def reset(self):
        self.state = 0  
        return self.state

This is a very simple array of 5 spaces. So basically, the agent can walk back a forth and get a reward for either reaching one end or the other.
Next, we will set up the environment and the main loop for running the simulation.

# Set up environment
environment = EnvironmentSimulator()
# Scores
total_reward = 0
last_total = 0

for step in range(iterations):
    # Store the current state in old state
    old_state = environment.state
    action = agent.get_next_action(old_state)
    new_state, reward = environment.take_action(action)
    agent.update(old_state, new_state, action, reward)
    total_reward += reward
    if step % 250 ==0:
        performance = (total_reward - last_total) / 250.0
        print("Step:{} Performance:{} Total-reward:{}".format(step, performance, total_reward))

RI Hello World Revisited

Let's take a look back at the Cart Pole example from the previous blog,
We did that with a Keras model, now we will do it with a q-table approach.

First we need to set up the Q-learning class

class QLearn:
    def __init__(self, actions, epsilon, alpha, gamma):
        self.q = {}
        self.epsilon = epsilon  
        self.alpha = alpha      
        self.gamma = gamma      
        self.actions = actions

Next, we need a few methods for choosing actions and updating the tables:

    # Q learning function
    def learnQ(self, state, action, reward, value):
        old_value = self.q.get((state, action), None)
        # If there are no values in the table add the reward
        if old_value is None:
            self.q[(state, action)] = reward
            self.q[(state, action)] = old_value + self.alpha * (value - old_value)

    def chooseAction(self, state):
        q = [self.getQ(state, a) for a in self.actions]
        maxQ = max(q)

        if random.random() < self.epsilon:
            minQ = min(q); mag = max(abs(minQ), abs(maxQ))
            q = [q[i] + random.random() * mag - .5 * mag for i in range(len(self.actions))] 
            maxQ = max(q)

        count = q.count(maxQ)
        if count > 1:
            best = [i for i in range(len(self.actions)) if q[i] == maxQ]
            i = random.choice(best)
            i = q.index(maxQ)
        action = self.actions[i]        
        return action, q

    def learn(self, s1, action, reward, s2):
        maxqnew = max([self.getQ(s2, a) for a in self.actions])
        self.learnQ(s1, action, reward, reward + self.gamma*maxqnew)

And now let's define the main method:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Load the cart pole game from gym ai
    env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
    # Vriables needed
    max_number_of_steps = 200
    last_time_steps = numpy.ndarray(0)
    n_bins = 8
    n_bins_angle = 10
    max_number_episodes = 200
    episode_number = 0
    render = False

    number_of_features = env.observation_space.shape[0]
    last_time_steps = numpy.ndarray(0)

    # Simplfy the number of states as it is too large
    cart_position = pandas.cut([-2.4, 2.4], bins=n_bins, retbins=True)[1][1:-1]
    pole_angle = pandas.cut([-2, 2], bins=n_bins_angle, retbins=True)[1][1:-1]
    cart_velocity = pandas.cut([-1, 1], bins=n_bins, retbins=True)[1][1:-1]
    angle_rate = pandas.cut([-3.5, 3.5], bins=n_bins_angle, retbins=True)[1][1:-1]

    qlearn = QLearn(actions=range(env.action_space.n),
                    alpha=0.5, gamma=0.90, epsilon=0.1)

    while episode_number < max_number_episodes:
        observation = env.reset()

        cart_position, pole_angle, cart_velocity, angle_rate_of_change = observation
        state = build_state([to_bin(cart_position, cart_position),
                         to_bin(pole_angle, pole_angle),
                         to_bin(cart_velocity, cart_velocity),
                         to_bin(angle_rate_of_change, angle_rate)])

        for t in range(0, max_number_of_steps):
            if render:

            action = qlearn.chooseAction(state)
            observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

            cart_position, pole_angle, cart_velocity, angle_rate_of_change = observation
            nextState = build_state([to_bin(cart_position, cart_position),
                             to_bin(pole_angle, pole_angle),
                             to_bin(cart_velocity, cart_velocity),
                             to_bin(angle_rate_of_change, angle_rate)])

            if not(done):
                qlearn.learn(state, action, reward, nextState)
                state = nextState
                # Penalize it for failing
                reward = -200
                qlearn.learn(state, action, reward, nextState)
                last_time_steps = numpy.append(last_time_steps, [int(t + 1)])

And that is really the only difference between the Keras and q-learning ways of solving the Cart Pole problem.
Instead of the model deciding what to do, the values in the q-table are making the decision.


This shows how to simply set up an environment and use a q-table to learn RI. This was a simple example the next logical step would be to have a negative reward which would encourage the AI to stop moving backward and to only move forward. This could help shape how the AI will learn and help move it towards the desired actions. This program is really a bare-bones approach with no bells and whistles. It shows you what is the minimum to have for an agent, environment, and simulation for training up a RI agent.
We also revisited the cart pole example to see how Q-Learning can be done compared to using a Keras model. The Keras model needs less code and can solve the issue a little better than the Q-learning approach. This may be because I had to simplify the states that the pole can take which may lead to the poorer results.
Q-learning has its limits as the table can become very complex as the states and actions that are a possible increase in the total number. This can greatly increase the complexity of the Q-table which can become very difficult to manage. By simplifying the dimensions of the state/action sets can help make it more manageable, but you sacrifice granularity which can lead to mistakes in the results.


[1]: Melo, F. Convergence of Q-learning: a simple proof. Retrieved 2019 from