

SIFT for Feature Extraction in a Image in Python

Feature Extraction SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform)

Why am I making this post?
Well, I basically needed to make my own SIFT algorithm as there is no free one in OpenCV anymore, well at least 3.0+.
For computer vision, one of the most basic ideas is to extract information from an image. This is feature extraction. There are different levels of features mainly global and local features. This blog will look at SIFT which is a local feature extractor. This is done by finding key points or areas of great change then adds quantitative information or descriptors that can then be used in a more complex task like object detection. Ideally, these key points should be able to be uniquely identified in various images regardless of transformations or changes in the image.

Why Python?
Yes, it's not the best in speed for this, and after running the code it takes a hot minute for it to do the feature extraction. But, I can easily use it in any computer vision project that I have now and it plugs and play no problem.

How does SIFT work?

First, you give SIFT a picture to work with, we will be using an image I took of a dog from when I went dog sledding in Finland.
Step1: Double the size of your image both using bilinear interpolation.
Step 2: Blur the image using Gaussian Convolution.
Step 3: Preform more convolutions using Standard Deviation.
Step 4: Downsample each image.
Step 5: Restart the convolution again.
Continue this until the image is too small to perform these steps anymore.
This is called a scale-space which will help simulate many different scales that an image can come in (i.e. from small to larger and everything in between).

After the convolution, we will have to get the Laplacian for each scale space. This gives a grey scale value for each element in the image. The max values for the Laplacian will then be our key points. The max pixel will be a pixel whose value is larger than all its surrounding other pixels. This can be extended to several pixels or even a larger area depending on your needs. We can refine the key point results in the scale space by using a Quadratic Taylor expansion. Along with this, the identification of key points that lie on the edge of an object should also be removed as they are poor key points as they are not unique to translations of an image and are parallel to the edge direction. The point of keypoint extractions is not to find an edge of an object, but rather to find unique features of the image which may or may not lie on the edge of a target. That is the difference between edge detection and key point detection.

Finally, SIFT will give a reference orientation to each key point. Then the gradient of the image will be calculated by finite differences. Then smooth the gradients of the image using box blurs. This will allow for the remaining points that exceed a certain value/threshold to be kept. Another key point will be discarded.

After all of that, we have a list of final key points that we can create the descriptors for. This is done by creating a histogram of the gradient directions for each key point. This will not just make one histogram as it will make several around in a circle of the pixel where the histogram corresponds to the center pixel. Each gradient is a circle shape (rather than a box as used previously), and any key point that cannot create a full circle will be discarded.

So, after all of this, we now are left with a set of key points that are local features that can help us identify unique objects in images. This can then be used on its own for simple computer vision tasks like object identification, image slicing, and binding, or even image similarity for search engines. So, SIFT can be very useful if you know how and why it works.

Code for SIFT

Here is the pseudo code for getting SIFT for key point detection.

Sift Code
	Gaussian Smoothing (image)
	Downsample the image
	Make Gaussians Pyramids
	Create Downsample Gaussians Pyramids
	For each octave:
		Start Extrema detection.
	for each image sample at each scale:
		find the gradient magnitude
		find the orientation

	Calculate each keypoints orientation
	Calculate each keypoints descriptor   

As you can see the key points found in this image is not perfect, but the implementation of SIFT is not very easy. Also, this image has a lot of noise in it so it may look like the algorithm did not work, but it is working fine, but the changes are on such a small level that it is difficult to even see it.

DogSled Keypoints

And for those who want to see here is the whole (all be it abridged) code

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy import misc
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from numpy.linalg import norm
import numpy.linalg

def sift_generate_keypoints(imagename, threshold):
    original = ndimage.imread(imagename, flatten=True)
    s = 3
    k = 2 ** (1.0 / s)
    # Standard deviations for Gaussian smoothing
    vector_1 = np.array([1.3, 1.6, 1.6 * k, 1.6 * (k ** 2), 1.6 * (k ** 3), 1.6 * (k ** 4)])
    vector_2 = np.array([1.6 * (k ** 2), 1.6 * (k ** 3), 1.6 * (k ** 4), 1.6 * (k ** 5), 1.6 * (k ** 6), 1.6 * (k ** 7)])
    vector_total = np.array([1.6, 1.6 * k, 1.6 * (k ** 2), 1.6 * (k ** 3), 1.6 * (k ** 4), 1.6 * (k ** 5), 1.6 * (k ** 6), 1.6 * (k ** 7), 1.6 * (k ** 8), 1.6 * (k ** 9), 1.6 * (k ** 10), 1.6 * (k ** 11)])

    # Downsampling images
    doubled = misc.imresize(original, 200, 'bilinear').astype(int)
    normal = misc.imresize(doubled, 50, 'bilinear').astype(int)
    halved = misc.imresize(normal, 50, 'bilinear').astype(int)
    quartered = misc.imresize(halved, 50, 'bilinear').astype(int)

    # Initialize Gaussian pyramids
    pyramid_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 6))
    pyramid_l_2 = np.zeros((normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1], 6))
    pyramid_l_3 = np.zeros((halved.shape[0], halved.shape[1], 6))
    pyramid_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 6))

    # Gaussian pyramids
    for i in range(0, 6):
        pyramid_l_1[:,:,i] = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(doubled, kvec1[i])   
        pyramid_l_4[:,:,i] = misc.imresize(ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(doubled, kvec4[i]), 1.0 / 8.0, 'bilinear')

        # Difference-of-Gaussians (DoG) pyramids
        dog_pyrd_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 5))
        dog_pyrd_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 5))

    # Construct DoG pyramids
    for i in range(0, 5):
        dog_pyrd_l_1[:,:,i] = pyrlvl1[:,:,i+1] - pyrlvl1[:,:,i]
        dog_pyrd_l_4[:,:,i] = pyrlvl4[:,:,i+1] - pyrlvl4[:,:,i]

        # extrema locations pyramids
        extrem_loc_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 3))
        extrem_loc_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 3))

    for i in range(1, 4):
        for j in range(80, doubled.shape[0] - 80):
            for k in range(80, doubled.shape[1] - 80):
                if np.absolute(dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i]) < threshold:

                maxbool = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] > 0)
                minbool = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] < 0)

                for di in range(-1, 2):
                    for dj in range(-1, 2):
                        for dk in range(-1, 2):
                            if di == 0 and dj == 0 and dk == 0:
                            maxbool = maxbool and (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] > dog_pyrd_l_1[j + dj, k + dk, i + di])
                            minbool = minbool and (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] < dog_pyrd_l_1[j + dj, k + dk, i + di])
                            if not maxbool and not minbool:

                        if not maxbool and not minbool:

                    if not maxbool and not minbool:
                if maxbool or minbool:
                    dx = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k+1, i] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k-1, i]) * 0.5 / 255
                    dy = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k, i] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k, i]) * 0.5 / 255
                    ds = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i-1]) * 0.5 / 255
                    dxx = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k+1, i] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k-1, i] - 2 * dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i]) * 1.0 / 255        
                    dyy = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k, i] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k, i] - 2 * dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i]) * 1.0 / 255          
                    dss = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i+1] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i-1] - 2 * dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i]) * 1.0 / 255
                    dxy = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k+1, i] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k-1, i] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k+1, i] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k-1, i]) * 0.25 / 255 
                    dxs = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k+1, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k-1, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k+1, i-1] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k-1, i-1]) * 0.25 / 255 
                    dys = (dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k, i+1] - dog_pyrd_l_1[j+1, k, i-1] + dog_pyrd_l_1[j-1, k, i-1]) * 0.25 / 255  
                    dD = np.matrix([[dx], [dy], [ds]])
                    H = np.matrix([[dxx, dxy, dxs], [dxy, dyy, dys], [dxs, dys, dss]])
                    x_hat = numpy.linalg.lstsq(H, dD)[0]
                    D_x_hat = dog_pyrd_l_1[j, k, i] + 0.5 * np.dot(dD.transpose(), x_hat)
                    r = 10.0
                    if ((((dxx + dyy) ** 2) * r) < (dxx * dyy - (dxy ** 2)) * (((r + 1) ** 2))) and (np.absolute(x_hat[0]) < 0.5) and (np.absolute(x_hat[1]) < 0.5) and (np.absolute(x_hat[2]) < 0.5) and (np.absolute(D_x_hat) > 0.03):
                        extrem_loc_l_1[j, k, i - 1] = 1

    # Repeat for each octave
    # Gradient magnitude and orientation 
    grad_mag_ori_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 3))
    grad_mag_ori_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 3))

    ori_pyramid_l_1 = np.zeros((doubled.shape[0], doubled.shape[1], 3))
    ori_pyramid_l_4 = np.zeros((quartered.shape[0], quartered.shape[1], 3))
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(1, doubled.shape[0] - 1):
            for k in range(1, doubled.shape[1] - 1):
                grad_mag_ori_l_1[j, k, i] = ( ((doubled[j+1, k] - doubled[j-1, k]) ** 2) + ((doubled[j, k+1] - doubled[j, k-1]) ** 2) ) ** 0.5   
                ori_pyramid_l_1[j, k, i] = (36 / (2 * np.pi)) * (np.pi + np.arctan2((doubled[j, k+1] - doubled[j, k-1]), (doubled[j+1, k] - doubled[j-1, k])))        
    # Repeat for each orientation pyramid 
    extr_sum = int(np.sum(extrem_loc_l_1) + np.sum(extrem_loc_l_2) + np.sum(extrem_loc_l_3) + np.sum(extrem_loc_l_4))
    keypoints = np.zeros((extr_sum, 4)) 

	#Key point calculation
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(80, doubled.shape[0] - 80):
            for k in range(80, doubled.shape[1] - 80):
                if extrem_loc_l_1[j, k, i] == 1:
                    gaussian_window = multivariate_normal(mean=[j, k], cov=((1.5 * vector_total[i]) ** 2))
                    two_sd = np.floor(2 * 1.5 * vector_total[i])
                    orient_hist = np.zeros([36,1])
                    for x in range(int(-1 * two_sd * 2), int(two_sd * 2) + 1):
                        ylim = int((((two_sd * 2) ** 2) - (np.absolute(x) ** 2)) ** 0.5)
                        for y in range(-1 * ylim, ylim + 1):
                            if j + x < 0 or j + x > doubled.shape[0] - 1 or k + y < 0 or k + y > doubled.shape[1] - 1:
                            weight = grad_mag_ori_l_1[j + x, k + y, i] * gaussian_window.pdf([j + x, k + y])
                            bin_idx = np.clip(np.floor(ori_pyramid_l_1[j + x, k + y, i]), 0, 35)
                            orient_hist[int(np.floor(bin_idx))] += weight  
                    maxval = np.amax(orient_hist)
                    maxidx = np.argmax(orient_hist)
                    keypoints[count, :] = np.array([int(j * 0.5), int(k * 0.5), vector_total[i], maxidx])
                    count += 1
                    orient_hist[maxidx] = 0
                    newmaxval = np.amax(orient_hist)
                    while newmaxval > 0.8 * maxval:
                        newmaxidx = np.argmax(orient_hist)
                        np.append(keypoints, np.array([[int(j * 0.5), int(k * 0.5), vector_total[i], newmaxidx]]), axis=0)
                        orient_hist[newmaxidx] = 0
                        newmaxval = np.amax(orient_hist)
    # Repeat for each octave
    # Create descriptors

    magnit_py = np.zeros((normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1], 12))
    orient_py = np.zeros((normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1], 12))

    for i in range(0, 3):
        magmax = np.amax(grad_mag_ori_l_1[:, :, i])
        magnit_py[:, :, i] = misc.imresize(grad_mag_ori_l_1[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(float)
        magnit_py[:, :, i] = (magmax / np.amax(magnit_py[:, :, i])) * magnit_py[:, :, i]  
        orient_py[:, :, i] = misc.imresize(ori_pyramid_l_1[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)    
        orient_py[:, :, i] = ((36.0 / np.amax(orient_py[:, :, i])) * orient_py[:, :, i]).astype(int)

    for i in range(0, 3):
        magnit_py[:, :, i+3] = (magpyrlvl2[:, :, i]).astype(float)
        orient_py[:, :, i+3] = (oripyrlvl2[:, :, i]).astype(int)             
    for i in range(0, 3):
        magnit_py[:, :, i+6] = misc.imresize(magpyrlvl3[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)   
        orient_py[:, :, i+6] = misc.imresize(oripyrlvl3[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)    

    for i in range(0, 3):
        magnit_py[:, :, i+9] = misc.imresize(grad_mag_ori_l_4[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)   
        orient_py[:, :, i+9] = misc.imresize(ori_pyramid_l_4[:, :, i], (normal.shape[0], normal.shape[1]), "bilinear").astype(int)    

    descriptors = np.zeros([keypoints.shape[0], 128])

    for i in range(0, keypoints.shape[0]): 
        for x in range(-8, 8):
            for y in range(-8, 8):
                theta = 10 * keypoints[i,3] * np.pi / 180.0
                xrot = np.round((np.cos(theta) * x) - (np.sin(theta) * y))
                yrot = np.round((np.sin(theta) * x) + (np.cos(theta) * y))
                scale_idx = np.argwhere(vector_total == keypoints[i,2])[0][0]
                x0 = keypoints[i,0]
                y0 = keypoints[i,1]
                gaussian_window = multivariate_normal(mean=[x0,y0], cov=8) 
                weight = magnit_py[int(x0 + xrot), int(y0 + yrot), scale_idx] * gaussian_window.pdf([x0 + xrot, y0 + yrot])
                angle = orient_py[int(x0 + xrot), int(y0 + yrot), scale_idx] - keypoints[i,3]
                if angle < 0:
                    angle = 36 + angle

                bin_idx = np.clip(np.floor((8.0 / 36) * angle), 0, 7).astype(int)
                descriptors[i, 32 * int((x + 8)/4) + 8 * int((y + 8)/4) + bin_idx] += weight
        descriptors[i, :] = descriptors[i, :] / norm(descriptors[i, :]) 
        descriptors[i, :] = np.clip(descriptors[i, :], 0, 0.2)
        descriptors[i, :] = descriptors[i, :] / norm(descriptors[i, :])
    return [keypoints, descriptors]

Now for a more real-world example. Getting data from the Market1501 data set that holds several images of people for different tasks. By running one of the images through the key point extractor, it allows for you to find the local features that are unique to the image itself.

From the above picture you can see that a few of the key points are generated that look great, and one that is over on the street which is what you do not want. This is not the SIFT extractors fault it is looking over the whole image and not just the person. If you want a better result for a person's individual key points without the background mess, I would suggest using segmentation to create a mask and then use the results in the SIFT extractor. That way it will limit what is being looked at and will give better local features for each person.


This implementation is not the state of the art method for getting key points and is very susceptible to blurry or poor image quality, as well as background noise and noise in the image that you cannot detect yourself. This took a long while to implement and the results are not that great compared to the time it took to create this. In my opinion, I would look into other means of extracting local features like the segmentation of the image.


Otero, I. R., & Delbracio, M. (2014). Anatomy of the SIFT Method. Image Processing On Line,4, 370-396. doi:10.5201/ipol.2014.82

Market data set retrived from here: