


How to Use Coroutine with Jetpack Compose

kotlin coroutine Greetings! I'm Farhan, an Android Engineer. In software development, keeping applications responsive is a key challenge. Asynchronous programming is an important technique that addresses this issue by allowing long-running…

Jetpack Compose でUI StateとViewModelを使った状態管理

こんにちは、Androidエンジニアのジャズニーです。 最近になってようやく本格的にJetpack Composeに取り組んでみようと決意して、色々と勉強したり試したりしているなかで、状態管理という重要な問題の対応方法について調べていて、色々なやり方ある中、自分…

How to Use Animation with Jetpack Compose

Greetings! I'm Farhan, an Android Engineer from the Product Engineering Department. "Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn." - Norman McLaren In the field of Android development, Jetpack Com…

Custom Layouts in Jetpack Compose

Hello, this is Android Engineer Shakil from Product Engineering Department. Jetpack Compose is a modern, fully declarative UI toolkit for building native Android user interfaces. It comes with a lot of built-in Layouts like Rows, Columns, …


こんにちは、Andoridエンジニアのジャズニーです。 最近毎日が暑くて、暑さ慣れしているはずなのにエアコンとTereré(テレレ)無しでは生きていけない状態です。 ほとんどのエンジニアがAndroidでネットワーク通信をしたいと考えたとき、一番最初に思い浮かぶ…

Introduction to Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)

Hello, I'm Ahsan Ullah Rasel, an Android Engineer from the Android team of Unifa Inc. Japan. Today, I am going to briefly introduce the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (hereinafter referred as KMM) framework to you. With KMM you can create app…