kotlin coroutine Greetings! I'm Farhan, an Android Engineer. In software development, keeping applications responsive is a key challenge. Asynchronous programming is an important technique that addresses this issue by allowing long-running…
こんにちは、Androidエンジニアのジャズニーです。 最近になってようやく本格的にJetpack Composeに取り組んでみようと決意して、色々と勉強したり試したりしているなかで、状態管理という重要な問題の対応方法について調べていて、色々なやり方ある中、自分…
Greetings! I'm Farhan, an Android Engineer from the Product Engineering Department. "Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn." - Norman McLaren In the field of Android development, Jetpack Com…
Hello, this is Android Engineer Shakil from Product Engineering Department. Jetpack Compose is a modern, fully declarative UI toolkit for building native Android user interfaces. It comes with a lot of built-in Layouts like Rows, Columns, …
こんにちは、Andoridエンジニアのジャズニーです。 最近毎日が暑くて、暑さ慣れしているはずなのにエアコンとTereré(テレレ)無しでは生きていけない状態です。 ほとんどのエンジニアがAndroidでネットワーク通信をしたいと考えたとき、一番最初に思い浮かぶ…
Hello, I'm Ahsan Ullah Rasel, an Android Engineer from the Android team of Unifa Inc. Japan. Today, I am going to briefly introduce the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (hereinafter referred as KMM) framework to you. With KMM you can create app…