


GraphQL on Rails

By Harvey Ico, backend engineer at Unifa. Building your own API structure can be chaotic specially if you have a lot of endpoints, and maintaining documentations are troublesome. If you've been a backend engineer for a while now like me, y…

Try some PaaS for Ruby on Rails

By Peter Chen, backend engineer at Unifa. The PaaS(Platform as a Service) my pet projects used stopped providing free plans from this year. So, recently I've been looking for and trying other alternatives. Tried to google and got a long re…

サムネイルは libvips + WebP で生成するのがよいか?

こんにちは、rightgo09 です。今回は libvips + WebP での簡単な検証結果を確認します。

Visualizing Ruby tests coverage using Codecov

By Patryk Antkiewicz, backend engineer at Unifa. Writing tests that check correctness of each piece of code that at the first glance might look obvious and absolutely bug-resistant is a tedious task that most developers don’t like. It migh…


随分も昔のとある開発現場にて、 「プロだったら普通に期間内に終わらすでしょ?」 「どうしてこんな普通の事わからないの?見てわかるよね?」 「そんな操作は普通の人はしない!」 「普通に使えるものを開発して欲しかった」 会議は普通という言葉が踊って…