

The Pi with Eyes

By Matthew Millar Research Scientist at ユニファ


This blog will cover the progress of an IoT project for computer vision. The final goal will be to locate an individual and to track this individual to see where they are in a room and to tell if they go near a marked area in the room. This will involve; person detection, tracking, and distance measurements from a Raspberry Pi.
Last time we set up the Pi and got things ready to go.
My 2nd Favorite Pi - ユニファ開発者ブログ

This blog post will look at setting up the Pi so it can stream the video feed from a camera. We will cover how to install OpenCV on the Pi and set up a synchronized camera feed from a special Camera Hat which will be discussed later!


The IoT is mainly about connecting everything around us to make a holistic data acquisition system. This means all the data that you create is gathered by sensors and sent to the mother node! Let’s break down IoT.
In a nutshell, IoT is a collection of Node or edge devices that gather data by sampling the world around them. This data can range to a large amount because of the different data that can be collected. It can be temperature and weather data, camera feeds, IR sensors, tablets, refrigerators and appliances, and wearable devices to name a few. This is not a comprehensive list as this list is endless and getting longer every day.

Cameras are one of the most common methods for gathering data in an environment. They can be considered the first edge device that was implemented. The world's first security camera came from a chicken farmer who wanted to see who stole his eggs back in 1933. So, the farmer rigged up a camera (like that 35mm film camera professional (use) and hipster have) and set a trap so when the door to the chicken hut was opened the camera would take a picture. He even went so far to put a tin can to make a noise and have the thief look up at the camera [1]. This was the first recorded instance of a security camera. (Yes, the thief was captured and was found guilty).

OpenCV on Pi:

We will need at least one library for using cameras on the Raspberry Pi. That one will be the most common one to use in computer vision projects, OpenCV. This can be complex to install as the older method

pip install opencv-contrib-python

It does not work well with Opencv4 on some Pis. (I tried and failed). So I had to install it from the source. We will go through the steps one by one to get started.
First things first let us get things ready for OpenCV
Update and upgrade the OS first (just like Linux)

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Next, we need cmake installed to build the files later.

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config

And then the I/O packages for images

sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libpng-dev

And I/O packages for videos

sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev
sudo apt-get install libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev

We need the GTX development libraries for OpenCV so let’s get them too

sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev libcairo2-dev
sudo apt-get install libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev

And a library for aiding in Matrix Manipulation

sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev gfortran

And finally the HDF5 and QT GUI

sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev libhdf5-serial-dev libhdf5-103
sudo apt-get install libqtgui4 libqtwebkit4 libqt4-test python3-pyqt5

Now with all that installed and ready to go let's make our environment to use OpenCV in

Step 1 get and install pip (if you don’t have it already)

wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo python get-pip.py
sudo python3 get-pip.py
sudo rm -rf ~/.cache/pip

Now the virtual environment manager

sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

We will update the bashrc file now with the needed information

vim ~/.bashrc

and then add this to the bottom of the file (adjust as needed but if you followed the above exactly then there should be no adjustments)

# virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

Exit out of the bashrc file and run source to apply all the changes to the bashrc file

source ~/.bashrc

Finally, we can create a new virtual environment

mkvirtualenv myenv_name -p python3

Activate the environment using

Source /path/to/env/myenv_name/bion/activate

And install some needed dependencies.

pip install "picamera[array]"
pip install numpy

Now we can finally get to installing OpenCV from the source

cd ~
wget -O opencv.zip https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/4.1.1.zip
wget -O opencv_contrib.zip https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/archive/4.1.1.zip
unzip opencv.zip
unzip opencv_contrib.zip
mv opencv-4.1.1 opencv
mv opencv_contrib-4.1.1 opencv_contrib

This will get all the code you will need to build and install OpenCV
The next step is to make the swap file larger as if you don’t you will not be able to install OpenCV as it takes up too much room

sudo vim /etc/dphys-swapfile

and change the swap size from 100 to 2048. But later on, you will change it back to 100 as using 2048 can burn out your SD card quickly.

# set size to absolute value, leaving empty (default) then uses computed value
#   you most likely don't want this, unless you have an special disk situation

After the install, you will change it back to 100 Stop and start the swap service

sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start

Now go back to your virtual environment to work on it. And then we will start to build and configure OpenCV

cd ~/opencv
mkdir build
cd build
    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local \
    -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/opencv_contrib/modules \

What makes this special is that ENABLE_NEON is on so that OpenCV is optimized for the ARM processor.
Now you can run


But make sure you are inside the build file use pwd to make sure it is in the directory opencv/build/
Next step after the build is done using the

make -j4

Command to compile the code. The -j4 will make it faster as it will use all 4 cores of the Pi. You can leave off the -j4 to avoid possible race conditions if it freezes during install. This will take a hot minute so get lunch and possibly dinner and come back.
Now you can run

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

The next step is to change the swap size back in the above steps.

Now we need to make a sym-link from the Opencv to python.

cd /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cv2/python-3.7
sudo mv cv2.cpython-37m-arm-linux-gnueabihf.so cv2.so
cd ~/.virtualenvs/cv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cv2/python-3.7/cv2.so cv2.so

Now if all that worked then you can check to see if it actually worked or not (took me 3 tries so don’t get disheartened).
Activate your virtual environment and run the following commands

>>>Import cv2

The Camera Man:

Now we can turn our attention to building the camera system for the project. Looking at the final goal of the project of distance estimation we will need a synchronized set of cameras. Using two cameras that are calibrated and synchronized can greatly improve the accuracy of distance/depth predictions [2]. The camera kit that I will be using will be the Arducam 5MP Synchronized Stereo Camera Bundle Kit for Raspberry Pi that can be bought from Uctronics [3]. Using this chip will handle all the synchronization issues that come with dual camera feeds.

The Setup:

The setup is pretty straight forward. The first step is to connect the ribbon cable from the ArduCam chip to the camera input on the Pi.
Then place the pins into the right connectors on the HAT this will be the topmost pins on the Pi.
And that's it you are set up and ready to begin installing more packages and dependencies! Let's plug all out stuff in the pi and your setup should look something like this
Now even MORE setup and setting changes!
The first step is to enable the camera. On the Pi Desktop go to

Preferences->Raspberry Pi Configuration->Interfaces.

Then Enable the Camera, SSH, VNC, and I2C by clicking the enable radio button. The next step is to download the SKD for the ArduCam chip from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/ArduCAM/MIPI_Camera.git

Go into the RPI folder in the repo and run this command

chmod +x ./enable_i2c_vc.sh

This will enable the i2c_vc.
Guess what we need even more Packages again! So run these commands to install them both

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libzbar-dev libopencv-dev

This will set you up well so you are finally finished installing packages.
The next step is to make the install the code from the repos so do this

cd MIPI_Camera/RPI
make install

Next, compile the examples for testing

make clean && make

And finally, run it in preview mode (a C program from the chips creators).

./preview_setMode 0

To actually test out your code. If everything worked out ok you should start to see an image being streamed from the device to your Desktop like this
or this

And there you have it you now have an RPi 3B+ with a stereo camera that is synchronized and ready for the next steps.
Next time I will install TensorFlow and start with a simple object detection AI.


[1] https://innovativesecurity.com/the-worlds-first-security-camera/

[2] Peleg, S., & Ben-Ezra, M. (n.d.). Stereo panorama with a single camera. Proceedings. 1999 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Cat. No PR00149). doi: 10.1109/cvpr.1999.786969

[3] https://www.uctronics.com/index.php/arducam-synchronized-stereo-camera-bundle-kit-5mp-for-raspberry-pi-2173.html





f:id:unifa_tech:20191208112151j:plain:w300:right それを考慮して今回は右のような構成で実験を行います。MacbookからiBeacon信号を送信し、Bluetoothが内蔵されているRaspberry Pi Zero WHを受信装置として3箇所(座標は既知)で信号強度を測定。3つの受信信号強度からそれぞれの距離(d1, d2, d3)を推定してそこからMacBookの位置を割り出します。なお、MacBookからのビーコン信号の送信にはNode.jsのblenoライブラリを使用しました。そして、Raspberry Piでの受信には姉妹ライブラリであるnobleとnobleをバックエンドとして動くnode-beacon-scannerを組み合わせて使いました。


iBeacon受信信号にはTxPowerとRSSI(Received Signal Strength Indication)というフィールドが含まれます。TxPowerはビーコンが発する信号の強さ(実際にはビーコンから1m離れた距離での受信信号強度、単位はdBm)であり、送信側で設定する値です。今回はMacBookから1m離れた地点での実測値(-54.5)を設定しています。一方RSSIは受信した信号の強度(dBm)です。この2つから送信地点と受信地点の距離dを次のように求めることができます(参考)。

d = 10^{\,(TxPower-RSSI)\,/\,(10*n)}

ここで、nはビーコン信号が遮蔽などなく理想的に伝達する空間の場合は2で、通常は環境に応じて最適化する必要があります。今回の実験ではn=2 としています。また、iBeaconはdefaultでは100msごとに信号をアドバタイズしますが、RSSIの値は比較的変動するため各地点とも数秒間の平均をとりました。その結果MacBookと各受信地点との距離(m)は次のように求まりました。

d1 = 1.084, \, d2 = 1.135, \, d3 = 3.055



import numpy as np

def distance(pos1, pos2): #二点間の距離
    return np.sqrt(sum( (np.array(pos1)-np.array(pos2))**2 ))

def mse(x, locations, distances): #距離の平均二乗誤差
    sum_sqerr = 0.0
    for loc, dist in zip(locations, distances):
        dist_calculated = distance(x, loc)
        sum_sqerr += (dist_calculated - dist)**2
    return sum_sqerr / len(locations)

def midpoint(*args): #中点
    return np.mean(np.array(*args), axis=0)


from scipy.optimize import minimize

rec1 = [0, 0]      #受信1の座標
rec2 = [0.1, 1.9]  #受信2の座標
rec3 = [3.65, 2.1] #受信3の座標
d1 = 1.084
d2 = 1.135
d3 = 3.055

locations = [rec1, rec2, rec3]
distances = [d1, d2, d3]
initial_loc = midpoint(locations)

result = minimize(mse, initial_loc, (locations, distances))

f:id:unifa_tech:20191208112229j:plain:w300:right 上のコードで3つの受信地点の座標とそこまでの距離を入力として、距離の平均二乗誤差が最小になる送信地点を求めています。このとき最適化における初期値として3つの受信位置の中点を使っています。この結果求められた送信位置は(0.74, 0.91)でした。正解は(1.2, 1.0)ですのでぴったりではないですがおおよその場所は捉えられています。



初めてのre:Invent4日目 (Keynoteとre:Play)








ボタン(hover me)


 transition: .◯s;


【CSS transitionでアニメーションさせるためのポイント】



  opacity: 1;
  transition: .4s;
  opacity: 0.3;

変化させているプロパティは「opacity(透明度)」なので、beforeは「opacity: 1;(透明度100%)」、afterは「opacity: 0.3;(透明度30%)」です。このあいだの変化を「transition: .4s;(0.4秒)」かけてアニメーションさせています。


ボタン(click me)

  position: relative;
  left: 0;
  transition: .4s;
  left: 60%;



・「display: none;」されているとできない。

ということです。 上の問題はよくスマホのハンバーガーメニューとかで遭遇しますね。その場合は画面の外に配置したりして、表示する時に画面内に移動してくるとかの対応をしたりしています。 どうしてもこの問題に対応するなら、CSS animationを使うことになります。(その場合、「サクッと」にならないのでググりましょう。)

transition-property 変化させるプロパティを指定(all,opacity,top/leftなど)
transition-duration 変化させる時間(省略不可、.4sとか秒数を指定)
transition-delay 変化の開始を遅らせる
transition-timing-function イージング(デフォルトはease)



酔っぱらいの千鳥歩きを参考にしたランダムウォーク メトロポリス・ヘイスティングス法(MH法)を試してみた


こんにちわ、研究開発部の島田です。今回はMCMC法の一種である、ランダムウォーク メトロポリス・ヘイスティングス法(MH法)についてのお話です。





前回記事では、マルコフ連鎖について保育士さんの行動モデルを例にして理解しました。 特にある状態が確率的に変化することを遷移核と呼び、マルコフ連鎖を扱うにあたっては非常に重要な概念であることがわかりました。そして、前回記事では遷移核があらかじめわかっている状態でマルコフ連鎖を使いました。しかし、現実問題は遷移核がわからないケースがほとんどであるため、遷移核をどのように設定すればよいのかという問題を解決する必要があります。




ランダムウォーク メトロポリス・ヘイスティングス法(ランダムウォークMH法)






(豚さんのイラスト 出典: かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや


θnew = θ + ε Normal(0, 1)

ここで、εはランダムウォークが動く幅を表すパラメータです。Normal(0, 1)は0〜1の正規分布を仮定しています。



f(θ'|θ)f(θ) = f(θ|θ')f(θ')



q(θ'|θ)f(θ) > q(θ|θ')f(θ')



γq(θ'|θ)f(θ) = q(θ|θ')f(θ')









a, b = 1.8, 2.9
x = np.linspace(beta.ppf(0.001, a, b), beta.ppf(0.999, a, b), 100)
plt.plot(x, beta.pdf(x, a, b))


  1. 初期値θを決定する(適当で良い)

  2. ランダムウォークを使って次の新しいθ’を探索

  3. 次の条件式の判定。f(θ) > f(θ')

  4. Step3の条件式が、

 ・真の場合、現在位置の方が次の位置よりも確率分布の高い位置であると言えるため、γで補正する。区間[0, 1]の一様乱数を生成し、γと比べて小さい場合は受理、それ以外の場合は棄却する。



def rw_MH():
    NUM_MC_STEP = 30000#モンテカルロステップ数
    theta = 0.6#ランダムウォークの初期値
    E = 0.5#ランダムウォークの幅
    theta_mc_step = [theta]
    for i in range(NUM_MC_STEP):
        re_theta = theta + E * np.random.randn()
        if beta.pdf(theta, a, b) > beta.pdf(re_theta, a, b):
            gamma = beta.pdf(re_theta, a, b) / beta.pdf(theta, a, b)
            if np.random.rand() < gamma:
                theta = re_theta
            theta = re_theta
    return theta_mc_step






基礎からのベイズ統計学 輪読会資料 第4章 メトロポリス・ヘイスティングス法




DeepLearningの発展に伴い、画像分類や物体検出はかなりの精度で行えるようになってきました。 そこで、近年は画像からより高レベルな情報を抽出しようと、画像の要約を生成するImage Captioningや検出した物体間の関係性を認識するVisual Relationship Detectionなどの手法が提案されています。

今回は、このVisual Relationship Detectionの手法の一つであるBAR-CNN (Box Attention Relational CNN)[1]を試してみましたので、ご紹介したいと思います。

なお、Image Captioningについては下記にて紹介されておりますので、是非そちらも参照ください。


Visual Relationship Detectionについて

Visual Relationship Detectionとは、検出した物体を<主語 - 述語 - 目的語>の3要素で表すことを目的としたタスクになります。ここで主語と目的語には検出した物体が入り、述語には2つの物体の関係性を表す言葉が入ります。 例えば下記の画像のように人物がバイクに乗った画像を入力としたとき、物体の座標とともに主語: person、述語: on、目的語: mortorcycleとしてラベルを出力することが目的となります。

Visual Relationshipの例 (引用元: [2])

これによって、画像から物体の位置や種類だけでなく、物体間の関連性まで認識できるようになります。 ちなみに、このVisual Relationship DetectionのタスクはKaggleのコンペになったりもしています。



Making a 3D Snowman with Zdog

By Robin Dickson, software engineer at UniFa.

Because it's almost Christmas I thought I'd try out something new and make it Christmassy.

Zdog is a round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG and some of the work being made with it is really inspiring. I wanted to see what I could make quickly as a non-designer with no experience in 3D.

A snowman is built from various parts so I thought it seemed like a good fit. Also I may have heard a song about building a snowman somewhere...


I used the Zdog documentation, tutorial and examples on the official Zdog website which is a fantastic source of information.


To use Zdog all you need is HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The HTML and CSS setup is very minimal.

<canvas class="zdog-canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
.zdog-canvas {
  background: skyblue;
  cursor: move;

Making a Basic Snowman

The snowman is built using an Illustration object as the foundation for the illustration.

const illo = new Zdog.Illustration({
  element: '.zdog-canvas',
  zoom: 4,
  dragRotate: true

The first thing needed for a snowman is a body, which luckily is quicker in Zdog than real life. A sphere can be created using Shape and controlling the size with the stroke property.

let body = new Zdog.Shape({
  addTo: illo,
  stroke: 40,
  translate: { y: 5 },
  color: 'white'

The head shares properties with the body, and in Zdog items can be copied. So the body can be copied, and then certain properties overwritten.

let head = body.copy({
  stroke: 25, // make the head smaller than the body
  translate: { y: -25 }, // move it higher

Now we have the basic snowman!


To make the face, the eyes and mouth are both made from coal so they can be copied.

Adding Details

let leftEye = new Zdog.Shape({
  addTo: head,
  stroke: 3,
  translate: { x: -4, y: -4, z: 10 },
  color: 'black',
  backface: false,
let rightEye = leftEye.copy({
  translate: { x: 4, y: -4, z: 10 }

Loops like forEach can be used to make the code more concise.

let mouth = new Zdog.Shape({
  addTo: head,
  stroke: 2,
  translate: { x: 0, y: 6, z: 10 },
  color: 'black',
  backface: false,

[[-6, 3, 9], [-4, 5, 10], [4, 5, 10], [6, 3, 9]].forEach(coal => mouth.copy(
  { translate: { x: coal[0], y: coal[1], z: coal[2] } }

Next a carrot for the nose which can be a cone shape.

let nose = new Zdog.Cone({
  addTo: head,
  diameter: 5,
  length: 9,
  translate: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 10 },
  stroke: false,
  color: 'orange'

Coal buttons were added in the same way as the eyes and mouth.


The arms were the most difficult part so far. The base branch was created using a Shape item. Then copied for the smaller branches.

let arm = new Zdog.Shape({
  addTo: body,
  color: 'brown',
  stroke: 2,
  path: [ { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 12, y: -10 } ],
  translate: { x: 18, y: -8 },
let finger = arm.copy({
  addTo: arm,
  path: [ { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 3, y: -7 } ],
  translate: { x: 5, y: -5 },
  stroke: 1.5
  path: [ { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 7, y: 0 } ],
  translate: { x: 3, y: -2 } 

For the other arm the copyGraph function can be used to copy the arm item and the attached items. So all that is needed is to move it into place an rotate it.

  translate: { x: -18, y: -8 },
  rotate: { y: Zdog.TAU/2 }

A scarf was added and the snowman is complete!


It's also possible to add animations to Zdog creations so I added a little inspired by the many demos on the official website.

let isSpinning = true;
let direction = 'right'
function animate() {
  if (illo.rotate.y < -1) { direction = 'left' }
  if (illo.rotate.y > 1) { direction = 'right' }
  if (isSpinning && direction === 'right') {
    illo.rotate.y += -0.005;
  } else if (isSpinning && direction === 'left') {
    illo.rotate.y -= -0.005;
  requestAnimationFrame( animate );



(This is a gif, and the created SVG looks much better!)

Overall it was easy to get started due to the great documentation and examples and I am looking forward to trying to make more complex designs.