iOS Development
端的にいうと Apple開発者カンファレンス直前、Swift言語専用機能にみるAppple製品アプリ開発を魅力的にしたいAppleの成果Swift Macrosについての読み物。 1) ネイティブ/クロスプラットフォームの先にあるアプリ? スマートフォン普及とモバイルアプリ開発が…
Greetings! I'm Cyan Villarin, an iOS Engineer at UniFa, and I'm excited to share to you some of the things I learned about the recent announcements from Apple this year. Some cool stuff are introduced this year: Swift Data, Observation fra…
Greetings! I'm Cyan Villarin, an iOS Engineer at UniFa, and I'm excited to guide you through setting up Xcode Cloud for your project. Along the way, I'll share some challenges I encountered and my thoughts on how Xcode Cloud compares to ot…
By Vyacheslav Vorona, iOS engineer at UniFa. Recently the software development community has been abuzz with excitement over the potential of ChatGPT. As a powerful language model trained on vast amounts of text data, ChatGPT has the abili…
こんにちは、プロダクトエンジニアリング部の能登です。春、いいですね。私などは山菜など春が旬を食する楽しみが専らですが… 端的に言うと: Swift言語を使ったCLIアプリ作成ガイド。Swift言語の平行処理機能とCLIアプリは相性が良い。 1) CLIについて iPhon…
This article is for the Day 24 of the Unifa's Advent Calendar 2022. Greetings everyone! My name is Cyan and I'm working as an iOS Engineer at Unifa. For today's blog post, I will be going through some of the pros and cons of SwiftUI agains…